Vestibular Therapy


Dizziness is a common complaint. 27 per 1000 patients per year go to the GP with these complaints. There is a marked increase in vertigo symptoms with age. In 36% of the cases there is no clear diagnosis and in 16% of the cases it concerns vertigo. Causes of dizziness can be divided into 4 large groups. Thus we have vertigo of a neurological, vascular, arthrogenic and iatrogenic nature.

Neurological Dizziness

The most well-known cause, and also easy to treat, is Benign Positional Paroxysmal Vertigo or BPPV. Hereby there is crystal formation in our vestibular system where the patient experiences moderate to severe dizziness shortly after a movement of the head. During the therapy it is therefore the intention to get the loose crystals back in place, after which the complaints disappear. Other causes of vertigo are central neurological problems. these must be recognized and first examined by a doctor/specialist. Our physiotherapists are trained to recognize these and refer them to the right person

Vascular Dizziness

Vascular dizziness can occur if there are problems with the blood vessels. For example, one cause is orthostatic hypotension. When standing up from a sitting position, our body does not constrict our veins fast enough, causing a sudden drop in blood pressure when standing up. This is fairly easy to treat with the right medication and advice. There are also other causes such as vasospasm, damage to the vessel wall or too much stretch/compression on the blood vessels. This form of vertigo occurs almost exclusively in people with known vascular disease and thus very rare in the general population. Nevertheless, the physiotherapist is trained to recognize early signs and to refer to the appropriate doctor/specialist if necessary.

Arthrogenic Dizziness​

Arthrogenic dizziness comes from our joints in the neck. The neck continuously sends information to our brain about the position of our head and its movements. It gives our brain a picture of where our head is in space. When something goes wrong with this information, the brain can receive incorrect or too little information from the neck, causing us to experience dizziness. The therapy consists of restoring normal mobility of the neck and doing exercises so that the brain receives the correct information again.

Iatrogenic Dizziness

Iatrogenic dizziness is dizziness caused by medical treatment such as medication. During the intake, the physiotherapist will ask about medication that you are taking in order to find out whether this could be a possible cause. The medication can then be adjusted by your doctor/specialist and your dizziness symptoms can disappear.

We Proudly Give Quality Treatments

As Kinetic Center physiotherapists, we are there to help people with minor injuries as well as patients who need extensive rehabilitation. Because we can use all facilities of Fitness Center Jupiter Health Planet, we can provide you with the best possible service.

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